Posted By: znouza (ILoveSanFrancisco) on 'BBSfuture'
Title:     Re: Hovory v mainu
Date:      Wed May 22 14:54:48 2002

> Jinak i ja se primlouvam za moznost vypnout automaticky cteni prispevku od 
> hlavy a nekterych dalsich.

nic takoveho tady nebude. pokud vidis, ze je to od neho, cist to nemusis. A to 
vidis vzdycky. At uz ctes pres new nebo read. Nejsme v Cine. 
>           * PORSCHE *
>    There is no substitute.
                                             - znouza -
  At a higher altitude with flag unfurled
  We reached the dizzy heights of that dreamed of world...

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