Posted By: Travis (I found LUV... ;-)))) on 'CZbbs'
Title:     Re: divny
Date:      Thu Mar 19 13:01:28 1998

> No tak to je vazne zajimavy :)))) mohl se k tomu vyjadrit nekdo povolany?
> Sue, Travis ... :)
>                                         Marek Ballue Bradac


     No toz teda.. Uuutokeeeeeeeeeeeeeem.. 

     Nejjednodussi bude, kdyz uvedu priklad.. ;-)) 

Naloguju se na bbs.. Primo z ratberta.. Vlezu do Chatu a dam /q travis

*** Travis (I found LUV... ;-)))):
*** Logged in from ratbert since Thu Mar 19 12:39:56 1998
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*** Time: 856:08:45, Idle time: 544:14:45, Effective time: 311:54:00
*** Conn. [1]: Time: 00:00:00, Idle time: 00:00:00, Action: Chat

a /whois travis

*** Travis is Travis (I found LUV... ;-))))
*** Logged in from ratbert

Hotovo.. Ted si treba z jine adresy pustim dalsi telnet na bbs.. Rekneme ze
to bude z adresy A ted (na prvni konekci v Chatu) zadam opet
/q a /whois.

/q travis

*** Travis (I found LUV... ;-)))):
*** Logged in from since Thu Mar 19 12:42:39 1998
*** Logins: 1380, Posts: 146
*** Time: 856:14:30, Idle time: 544:17:15, Effective time: 311:57:15
*** Conn. [1]: Time: 00:02:45, Idle time: 00:02:15, Action: Chat
*** Conn. [2]: Time: 00:00:00, Idle time: 00:00:00, Action: 

/whois travis

*** Travis is Travis (I found LUV... ;-))))
*** Logged in from ratbert

     Uz je to jasne? ;-)

                                   Diky za pozornost.. ;-)

                                                (po usi zamilovany)

When the girl dances                When the girl dances
dreaming in silence                 dreaming in silence
She can make people smile           only for a little while...

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