Posted By: Wir (Riw) on 'CZchess'
Title:     Re: Programek pro PGN
Date:      Wed Feb 27 15:42:35 2002

No nevim jestli je to jen takovy textak. Takhle nejak to vypada :))

[Event "fics rated bughouse match"]
[Site "fics, Oklahoma City, OK USA"]
[Date "2000.07.29"]
[WhiteA "jtp"][WhiteAElo "2202"]
[BlackA "JKiller"][BlackAElo "2529"]
[WhiteB "RMG"][WhiteBElo "2199"]
[BlackB "fermy"][BlackBElo "2122"]
[TimeControl "180+0"]
[Result "1-0"]

{C:This game was played July 29, 2000 on the FICS server.  It comes from the "p
ersonal Omniscient" database of Sergiy Vasylkevych, aka "fermy", who also provi
des much of the commentary for this month's game.  Sergiy's comments are follow
ed by the initials "SV".  For comments we collaborated on, both our initials wi
ll appear.}
1A. e4 {178} 1B. d4 {179} 1a. e6 {180} 2A. Nc3 {178} 1b. Nc6 {179} 2a. Nc6
{179} 2B. Nf3 {178} 3A. d4 {177} 2b. e6 {178} 3B. Bf4 {177} 3a. d5 {178} 3b. d6
{177} 4B. e3 {177} 4b. Nf6 {177} 4A. exd5 {176} 5B. Nbd2 {176} 4a. exd5 {178}
5A. Bb5 {175} 5a. Bb4 {178} 5b. Be7 {174} 6A. Qe2+ {173} 6B. Bd3 {176} {C:RMG a
dopts a set-up typical of games starting with 1. d4 and omitting e4.  Developin
g the e-pawn to e3 instead of e4 gives the bishop a clear path along the d3-h7
 diagonal (at least for now).  In addition, the knight's development to d7 rein
forces e4.  CF~~A word about RMG's opening: Similar setups (d4, e3 and castling
) sometimes are used by several top players (Gnejs, Whoami and RMG to name a fe
w).  The underlying idea is that White can play 10-15 moves in these lines with
out any need for offboard material and thus play the opening very fast. SV}
6a. Qe7 {177} 7A. Bd2 {171} 6b. Nd5 {169} 7B. Bg3 {175} 7b. O-O {168} {C:Is fer
my castling into it?  Nah, probably not -- the squares around his king are well
 defended, and RMG's dark-squared bishop can do no harm from g3.} 7a. Bxc3
{173} 8B. O-O {174} 8b. f5 {168} {A:!} {C:The logical follow-up to castling.  T
his pawn move blocks the bishop's path to h7 and neutralizes White's control of
 e4. CF~~This critical position appeared in several games that day.  Let's stop
 and take a closer look at it.~~Both kings are castled kingside, and therefore
 the kingside will be the arena of the future play. All white pieces except Ra1
 control important squares near their king, while black's Bc8, Nc6 and Ra8 are
 out of play. Pieces of both sides occupy rather defensive positions, therefore
 both will rely on drops in their attack.  White has built a real dark square f
ortress and it looks like the only way to get to the White king is by dropping
 diagonals on g4, h3, g2.  However, as it is easy to see, Black can make some r
eal threats only if he gets rook or queen.~~On the other hand, there are two nu
ances in the position that make my life easier:~~1. White pieces have very limi
ted access to g2. White would like to play f3 at some point to fix this, but bl
ack's knight on d5, attacking e3, impedes this plan.~~2. While the bishop on g3
 excellently defends the dark squares, at the same time it takes away g3 from a
 knight drop.  If Black establishes a pawn at g2, it will be very hard to defen
d h1.~~Now let's look at White's attacking options. Squares h5, h6, g6, f7 are
 insufficiently defended. However, immediate drops on these squares are easily
 answered by Black. White should establish some advanced post close to the blac
k king.  A knight drop on f4 would be ideal for this, since it hits g6 and also
 defends h3 and g2, but  Black would probably reply ...Nxf4. Still this looks l
ike a viable option with the further idea of P@g5. Another plan worth consideri
ng is c4 with the idea to kick the knight out of his good post on d5. SV}
8A. bxc3 {167} 9B. N@h5 {171} {C:RMG creates his first (and last) mating threat
.  If Black does not react, 10. N@h6+ Kg8 11. Q@g8 mates. Yes, RMG has no N and
 Q at the moment, but JKiller can take the queen on the move and RMG is up on t
ime.  Also Nxg7 may be unpleasant.~~So, Black has to defend g7.   Still, I don'
t like this move, since White has no good followup. SV~~Fermy's earlier comment
 that this set-up occurred in other games that day prompted me to check those g
ames to see what other continuations were played.  In one game, RMG got good re
sults with 9. e4 and after 9...fxe4 10. Nxe4 Nf4 11. Bxf4 Rxf4 12. B@g3 Rf8 13.
 P@g5 won the battle for kingside space.  However, possibly 9...fxe4 is not so
 good, as it trades off a potentially active pawn and help RMG activate his pie
ces.  Maybe 9...Ndb4 is a better try.  Still, it looks like White can get some
 space advantage after 9. e4; in addition, it will be harder for Black to obtai
n an attack on White's castled king. CF} (9B. N@f4 {171} 9b. Nxf4 {168}
10B. exf4 {171} 10b. P@g4 {168} 11B. P@g5 {171} (11B. Ne1 {171})) (9B. c4 {171}
) 9b. B@f6 {165} {C:9...B@h6 (defending and hitting e3 at the same time) was be
tter. Also, the bishop on h6 is harder to attack than on f6. SV} (9b. B@h6
{168}) 8a. Bg4 {170} {C:An ambitious move by JKiller that weakens his queenside
. More common is 8...Bd7. SV} 9A. f3 {165} {A:!} {C:A very clever move by jtp -
- the vacant f2 square can't be easily exploited by JKiller, while the alternat
ive 9. Qxe7 Nxe7 would only develop Black's game.} 10B. P@e5 {169} {C:Making me
 pay the price for my previous imprecise move.  ...Bg5 doesn't feel right, so I
 have to sac the bishop. SV~~Actually, 10...Bg5 doesn't look that bad to me, si
nce the Black king appears to be adequately defended.  11. Nxg7 is dangerous on
ly if RMG gets a knight to drop on h5, but it doesn't look like he'll be gettin
g a knight anytime soon.~~But this is a moot point, since I like Fermy's reply
 better than 10...Bg5. CF} 9a. Bf5 {168} 10b. P@g4 {160} {A:!} {C:Fermy continu
es his kingside expansion.  He controls most of the kingside now, which is good
, because the kingside is where both kings happen to be!} 11B. exf6 {167}
11b. Bxf6 {159} 12B. Ne5 {165} {A:?} {C:12. Ne1 looks ugly (this is bughouse, n
ot some hypermodern Indian system in regular chess), but still looks like the b
est idea here, as the knight can help to guard g2.  Playing the knight to e5 no
t only gives up the knight, it helps fermy mobilize his pieces. CF~~Big mistake
 by RMG. White sacs the only piece that can guard g2 and also brings the knight
 on c6 and queen into the game. To add insult to injury, in a few moves jtp wil
l seize the initiative on his board with a knight drop. SV} (12B. Ne1 {167})
10A. P@a6 {156} 12b. dxe5 {156} 13B. dxe5 {164} 10a. B@d7 {164} 13b. Nxe5 {155}
11A. axb7 {154} 11a. Rd8 {164} {A:?!} {C:The game continuation would seem to in
dicate that JKiller's rook should have been played to b8, to keep the pawn on b
7 from becoming a nuisance. CF~~11...Rb8 12. Bxc6 Bxc6 13. N@e5 also favours Wh
ite, but probably it was a better option. SV} (11a. Rb8 {164} 12A. Bxc6 {154}
12a. Bxc6 {164} 13A. N@e5 {154}) 12A. N@c8 {151} {A:!} {C:Jtp's move makes two
 threats: 13. Nxe7 and 13. Bxc6 followed by b8=Q.  While JKiller finds a tricky
 line to put some pressure on jtp, his idea involves an exchange of  queens.  T
his queen exchange complicates matters for his partner, whose king looks rather
 uncomfortable against Black's kingside expansion.} 14B. Nc4 {158} {C:I feel th
at the right move for RMG now would be ptell sit followed by Qe2 and f3. SV}
12a. Qxe2+ {160} {A:?!} {C:Here's the queen exchange.  It doesn't hurt JKiller,
 obviously, but puts added pressure on his partner.} 13A. Nxe2 {147} 14b. Nxc4
{148} 15B. Bxc4 {158} 15b. P@h3 {146} 13a. P@f2+ {156} 14A. Kxf2 {144}
14a. Bxc2 {155} {C:Apparently, this is JKiller's point.  Now if 15. Bxc6 N@d3+
 establishes the knight in jtp's camp.  Still, I can't see where JKiller has an
y potent threats here -- fermy just has to be careful not to give up his queen.
  It's starting to look like the lower rated team has the upper hand in this ga
me. CF~~Since RMG's position doesn't look very promising, JKiller tries to crea
te counterchances on his board, but his play leaves some doubts.  While the que
en exchange was almost forced, I don't see any justification for a pawn sac on
 f2, especially since pawns were exactly what I was dreaming of. SV} 16B. gxh3
{153} 16b. P@g2 {143} {C:Fermy makes a bid to force mate, but he doesn't have q
uite enough material in hand to pull it off.  With a knight and pawn in hand to
 go along with his queen, he'd have it: 17. Kxg2 gxh3+ 18. Kxh3 (or 18. Kf3 Q@g
4mate) N@g5+ 19 Kg2 (or 19. Kh4 Q@h3mate) P@h3+ followed by 20...Q@g2mate.~~Now
, jtp, who is on move, can get his partner a knight or pawn, but not both, sinc
e JKiller is up on time.  If jtp plays 15. Bxc6, JKiller responds 15....N@d3+ a
nd sits after jtp moves out of check.~~Of course, if fermy had more time than J
Killer, the game would be over, as JKiller would be forced to move and jtp woul
d immediately get his partner a pawn or bishop -- add yet another example of a
 position where being ahead on the clock intead of behind on the clock would ma
ke a huge difference. CF~~Well, N+P isn't really mate here, since RMG is not fo
rced to play Kxg2. He could play f3, trying to flee.  Still, Black would have a
 potent attack.~~Actually, before playing this move  I asked jtp for pawns. Two
 pawns here have the same effect as N+P. Since jtp wasn't moving, I had to move
.  Honestly, I was a bit frustrated by jtp's sitting, since I saw that he could
 play Nxa7. Now I understand that there was a reason why he did that.  He could
 take either a knight or a pawn, but a bit weakening his own position, so he wa
nted to see which one would be more useful to me.  If we were up on time, of co
urse, he should have played Nxa7 immediately. So this once again illustrates an
 important principle: if your partner did something different than you asked hi
m, never get mad at him. He might have a reason for doing so.  Just play the ga
me and ask him afterwards about his reasons.~~Back to the game...~~One might th
ink that 16...P@f3 was more precise, winning a pawn after 17. P@g2 fxg2. I was
 afraid that RMG would get a knight to drop on e1.  True, Jtp could play Nxa7 g
iving me 2 diagonals for the knight and bishop, but this would weaken his d3 sq
uare and the game situation on my board would be essentially the same (after 16
...P@f3 17. N@e1 P@g2 18. Nxg2 fxg2. SV} (16b. P@f3 {146} 17B. P@g2 {153}
17b. fxg2 {146}) 17B. Kxg2 {152} {C:This could be a fatal mistake. The only way
 to stay in the game was 17. f3 Q@h1 18. Kf2 gxf1=Q+19. Bxf1, but after 19...Nx
e3 death may come quickly anyway. SV} (17B. f3 {153} 17b. Q@h1+ {143} 18B. Kf2
{153} 18b. gxf1=Q+ {143} 19B. Qxf1 {153} (19B. Bxf1 {153} 19b. Nxe3 {143})
19b. Qxf3+ {143} 20B. Ke1 {153} 15A. Nxa7 {141} 20b. P@d2+ {143} 21B. Kxd2
{153} 21b. Qxe3+ {143} 22B. Kd1 {153} 22b. Nc3+ {143}) 17b. gxh3+ {142} {C:Ooop
s! Now the pawn was crushing after 17. P@f3, so I just had to tell jtp "+p, mat
es him" to end the game. Unfortunately I missed that after 17... P@f3+ 18. Qxf3
 gxf3+ 19. Kxf3 Q@e4+ 20. Ke2  Qxc2+ 20. any@d2 Nc3+ the queen on d8 enters the
 game with a mortal blow.  SV} (15A. Nxa7 {140} 17b. P@f3+ {143} 18B. Qxf3
{152} 18b. gxf3+ {143} 19B. Kxf3 {152} 19b. Q@e4+ {143} 20B. Ke2 {152}
20b. Qxc2+ {143} 21B. Q@d2 {152} (21B. Kf3 {152} 21b. Qe4+ {143} 22B. Ke2 {152}
22b. Nc3+ {143}) (21B. Ke1 {152} 21b. Nf4 {143}) 21b. Nc3+ {143}) 18B. Kxh3
{151} {C:As was mentioned earlier, fermy would be mating here if he had more of
fboard material.  However, he is down on time to JKiller, so he can't wait for
 the pieces.  His partner can feed him a knight or pawn, but he would still be
 one pawn short of mate.~~Since fermy is forced to move, he tries to create new
 threats by getting the bishop on c8 into the attack. CF~~Now RMG will be OK if
 he gets the time to play Kg2, Kg1 followed by P@g2 or Qe2, f3. JKiller/RMG are
 both up by a considerable time margin, therefore I didn't expect to get stuff
 for awhile since JKiller would sit. Ooops! It's jtp who is sitting now! There
 is no explanation for this -- just 7 seconds of wasted time -- and possibly jt
p's only mistake in this game.~~The governing idea of my further play is not to
 mate (I don't have enough resources for that), but to make some moves (thus wo
rking off the time deficit) keeping RMG's king exposed.  During the game I also
 considered the transfer of the bishop to h1-a8 diagonal. I rejected it because
 of 18...b6 19. P@c6 or 18... Bd7 19. Bxd5 exd5 20. Qxd5+ Kh8?? 21. Q@g8+ with
 mate.  SV} 15A. N@h5 {131} {C:Since neither pawn nor knight does any good on m
y board now, jtp goes back to playing his game. At the same time he hits one mo
re pawn. SV} 18b. f4 {125} (18b. b6 {135} 19B. P@c6 {151}) (18b. Bd7 {135}
19B. Bxd5 {151} 19b. exd5 {135} 20B. Qxd5+ {151} 20b. Kh8 {135} 21B. Q@g8+
{151} 21b. Rxg8 {135} 15a. Bxc8 {155} 22B. N@f7+ {151}) 19B. exf4 {150}
19b. e5+ {124} 20B. P@g4 {149} 20b. Be6 {117} {C:Well, it looks like RMG has su
cceeded in keeping fermy's "God-given" bishop out of the attack.  RMG's king lo
oks safe for the moment on h3, and now the counter-threat Bxd5+ forces fermy to
  make a defensive move.} 21B. f5 {147} {A:?!} {C:This weakening g5 move is the
 start of RMG's downfall. With the king on h3 he has no serious counterattackin
g chances anyway. SV} 15a. N@d3+ {121} {C:Very bad timing. RMG just weakened hi
s g5 square and JKiller gives me a knight to drop there! I suspect though that
 this is more RMG's fault since he probably told JKiller "go". SV} 16A. Bxd3
{128} 21b. N@g5+ {98} 22B. Kg2 {146} 22b. Bf7 {83} {C:Fermy waited 15 seconds b
efore making this move.  No doubt he was hoping that JKiller would move first,
 so that his partner could play 17. Bxc2 or 17. Nxg7+.  Fermy would then drop t
hat pawn or bishop on h3 to force mate in two.  However, JKiller spotted this m
ate and stopped moving, forcing fermy to do something else. CF~~Not really. I w
as hoping for a pawn the first 5 seconds or so, then it was obvious that JKille
r wouldn't move. Since JKiller is forced to sit, I can spend some time studying
 the position and planning my moves with no harm to my team. Btw, this idea occ
urs several times during the game. SV~~Well, yes, fermy makes a good point here
 about being able to think about the position without loss of time to his team.
  He also reminds me of a situation I've had on a few occasions, and now seems
 like the perfect time to rant about it...~~The scenario is this: I have essent
ially the same situation as fermy has in this game -- my diagonal opponent cann
ot move without immediate loss to his team, so I can take a little extra time o
n my next move, knowing my team won't lose any time on the clocks.~~Sometimes i
n this situation, after maybe 15 seconds, one of my opponents will send the mes
sage "we sit".  Well, okay, thanks for confirming an obvious point.  However, a
fter another 10 seconds, a barrage of messages start pouring in, messages like
 "Are we going to just sit here and waste two minutes?", "We are sitting!!  MOV
E!!!!", and "zzzzzzz".  Frankly, I find these messages to be at best extremely
 rude, and I think it could even be argued that players who send them are cheat
ing.  A player has the right to think during the game without rude and distract
ing comments.  By sending these distracting messages, you waste that player's t
ime, giving your team an unfair advantage.~~You steal time by doing that.  As f
ar as I am concerned, you are not much better than the players who force lag wh
en they are in need of offboard material.  CF} (22b. Nf4+ {98} 23B. Bxf4 {146}
23b. Qxd1 {98} 24B. Bxe6+ {146}) 23B. Qe2 {143} {C:RMG defends e3 with the idea
 to consolidate his position after f3. SV} 23b. e4 {73} {A:!} {C:This is my bes
t move in the game. Now RMG's king will not find safety after f3. Being a piece
 up, and having the initiative, I'm happy to switch to regular chess any time.
  RMG needs some stuff now to fix his position, and obviously I don't mind it e
ither.  SV} 24B. f3 {139} 16a. Bxd3 {81} {C:Now the mating threat is gone, so J
Killer can start moving again.} 24b. exf3+ {66} 25B. Rxf3 {139} 17A. Nxg7+
{122} 17a. Kf8 {80} 25b. P@e4 {63} 18A. b8=Q {109} 18a. Nxb8 {77} 19A. P@e7+
{106} {C:Jtp deflects and trades the defenders of JKiller's king, playing for a
ttack and at the same time feeding me. SV} 19a. Nxe7 {76} 20A. Nxe7 {105} {C:RM
G and JKiller have managed to work their way out of difficulties and don't seem
 to stand too badly now -- RMG's king is no longer in peril, and both JKiller a
nd RMG have a 13 seconds advantage on their clocks.  However, now RMG plays his
 way back into difficulties... CF~~I disagree. In fact, there is no way for RMG
 to shelter his king. SV} 26B. Bxd5 {112} {A:?} {C:This move by RMG can't be ri
ght.  He allows fermy's bishop to come to d5, where it puts added pressure on f
3.} 26b. Bxd5 {61} 27B. B@e6+ {111} {A:?} {C:And this move by RMG is terrible.
  He makes a piece drop with check that just gets taken.  (You novice players c
an take heart -- even very good players sometimes drop pieces with check that d
o nothing!)  Yes, RMG's position is starting to look bad again, but there may b
e hope if he plays 27. Re3 and saves his offboard bishop to protect some of the
 light-colored squares.  (JKiller needs to do his part in this rescue attempt b
y sitting here, so that fermy does not get a pawn to drop on f3.) CF~~This was
 the idea of RMG's previous move.   Obviously he overlooks that in consequence
 black gets d and f files open for an attack. This proves to be a decisive mist
ake in an already very hard position. After 27. Re3 Q@f3+ 28. Qxf3 exf3+ 29. Kf
2 Bd4 White can live, but probably not for too long. SV} (27B. Re3 {112}
27b. Q@f3+ {61} 28B. Qxf3 {112} 28b. exf3+ {61} 29B. Kf2 {112} 29b. Bd4 {61})
27b. Bxe6 {59} 28B. fxe6 {110} {C:And now, in addition to having 28...exf3 to r
emove RMG's rook and queen, fermy's rook gets an open file to play on.  The res
t of this game is a bloodbath.} 28b. exf3+ {56} 29B. Qxf3 {109} 20a. N@g4+ {57}
21A. fxg4 {104} 29b. Q@h3+ {50} 30B. Kf2 {107} {C:Maybe 30. Kh1 would be better
, but RMG is in big trouble regardless.} 30b. Qd2+ {42} 31B. Q@e2 {107}
31b. Bd4+ {40} 32B. P@e3 {104} 32b. Rxf3+ {37} {C:Well, getting a free queen wi
th check is nice, but 32...Bxe3mate! is better -- very picturesque how pins on
 both queens prevent the bishop from being taken!  CF~~Have you seen the movie
 "Greed"? This is the sequel. I see 2 free queens (and a pawn is mate) and thin
k no further. Shame on me! SV} (32b. Bxe3+ {40} {A:!}) 33B. Kg1 {101}
21a. B@h4+ {29} 33b. Bxe3+ {32} 22A. B@g3 {100} 34B. Kh1 {99} 34b. Qxe2 {25}
{C:Let's see now, fermy has just won two queens, giving his partner an offboard
 advantage of two queens, a rook, a bishop, and three pawns to JKiller's six pa
wns.  Such brutality :)} 22a. Bxg3+ {20} 23A. hxg3 {98} 35B. P@f7+ {93}
35b. Kh8 {23} 23a. P@f6 {16} {C:Nobody resigns in bughouse...} 24A. Q@h6 {92}
24a. Bxg4 {12} {C:I suppose if jtp wanted to be the one to get checkmate here,
 he'd have found 25. R@e8+! Rxe8 26. Ngf5+ P@g7 27. Qxg7mate.  Instead, he lets
 his partner do the honors...  CF~~I just told him to sit, because if RMG gets
 a rook, a knight and a queen, I'm the one who is mated after 36. R@g8 Rxg8 37.
 fxg8=Q+ Kxg8 38. N@h6+ Kf8 39. B@d6+ :). SV} 25A. B@f3 {87} (25A. R@e8+ {92}
{A:!} 25a. Rxe8 {12} 26A. Ngf5+ {92} 26a. P@g7 {12} 27A. Qxg7+ {92}) 36B. B@f2
{76} 25a. Bxf3 {9} 36b. B@g2+ {21} 26A. Ngf5+ {86} 37B. Kg1 {75} 37b. Bxf2+
{20} 26a. Ke8 {7} 27A. Q@a4+ {83} 38B. Bxf2 {72} 38b. Qxf2+ {18} {C:Yes, I woul
d say RMG's king has been thoroughly mated.  Quite an overpowering finish by th
e underdogs in this game!}

{RMG checkmated} 1-0
...tak asi takhle bych to pojal


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