Posted By: Fencer (TheEndAvailable!) on 'ComputerMusi'
Title:     New stuff!
Date:      Wed Apr 17 09:33:09 1996

    Hiya all!
    Well, MAZ sound tools page has exploded into thousands pieces, so I'm 
forced to search for hot news on only ... but still 
catching on. Let's see:

    1) There was a bug at version 1.7 of Cubic Player, playing wavs on 
GUS, the patch (3 kB) can fix it. 
    2) New version of Awave - Audio & Wavetable Instrument Converter, 
Editor & Player for Windows, version 2.7 (246 kB).
    3) DigiTrakker 3.1 (256 kB). SB 16 support and MIDI on GUS and SB 16 
    4) Impulse Tracker 1.06 (416 kB). Some bugs fixed.
    5) Real Tracker 1.02 (89 kB). Only player nowadays.
    6) Wav 2 XI converter 1.1 (16 kB). Several improvements.
    Everything on

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