Posted By: FILCON (FILCON) on 'CZculture'
Title:     Re: Hvezdna pechota again
Date:      Fri Jan 30 14:42:50 1998

> brouci zpracovani F A N T A S T I C K Y - ILM rulez !!!!!!!

 Budu te muset zklamat, ale efekty do tohoto filmu delalo sest firem
 vcetne ILM. Tusim, ze prave ILM brouky nedelali. 

 tohle je oficialni seznam:
  Tippett Studio / Banned from the Ranch Entertainment (computer graphics, 
   video displays, and Fed Net sequences) 
  Sony Pictures Imageworks (spaceship visual effects) 
  Visual Concept Entertainment / Boss Film Studios (asteroid grazing visual 
   effects sequence) 
  Thunderstone / Kevin Yagher Productions (human visual effects) 
  Amalgamated Dynamics (full scale creature effects) 
  Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) (special visual effects)   

 Jak vidis sam ILM delali jen specialni visualni efekty (co tim asi mysli :)?)
 a nestvury delali Amalgamated Dynamics .....

 Muzu sem hodit i odkazy, pokud Vas to zajima.

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