Posted By: Amok (Amok) on 'CZling'
Title:     Preklad do angliny ktery specha
Date:      Wed Jan  6 23:27:52 1999

Potreboval bych nejaky krasny preklad nasledujich vet do cestiny, predem 

"There is nothing it could do with nuclear weapons that it cannot do with 
modern conventional weapons."
TO SEM PRELOZIL TAKLE (a zda se mi to  este naky trosku divny)
"Neexistuje vec proveditelna s pomoci nuklearnich zbrani, ktera by nemohla byt 
provedena pomoci konvencni vyzbroje." 

Indeed, as far as the USA is concerned, Ron Smith rightly stated:

Therefore conventional deterrence - which is credible - is the military 
answer to his fear that, without nuclear deterrence, "disastrous wars between 
the major powers are likely to occur again."
Nicmene vojenske obavy pramenici ze skusenosti pouzivani konvencniho zpusobu 
zastraseni - ktere je duveryhodne - jsou podepreny argumentem tvrdicim, ze ve 
svete bez jaderneho zastraseni maji valky mezi hlavnim mocnostmi tendenci 
znovu se opakovat.   

A jeste

Modern industrial States, increasingly interdependent on multinational 
conglomerates, the globalisation of trade and sensitive to public opinion, 
are increasingly constrained from going to war with each other. But even if 
this argument is not accepted, there is a fundamental logical objection to 
relying on nuclear deterrence.

--- AmoK ---
--- Jednotlivosti jsou krasne, celek neznamena nic 

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