Posted By: Ticcino (Ticcino) on 'CZmswindows'
Title:     Re: defrag na pozadi?
Date:      Wed Feb 14 11:43:34 2007

> Proste to vypada ze mas na kompu nainstalovany extra soft co to spousti.
> Ovsem z tve odpovedi mi zase plyne, ze tam nic takoveho nemas.
> To jsem z toho jelen.
> Jdu jeste hledat.
> Ticcino

Nemuzu si pomoct, nasel jsem
na konci se pise
... nothing was showing up in task scheduler, but when I checked the disk 
defrag program, some strange utility started (fancier than the standard 
windows version) and it had some "set it and forget it" scheduler of its own 
which was set to run every day. Not anymore. ;-)...
Tak to vypada spis na newindowsi utilitku.

Jenze hned dalsi odkaz v googlu to tvrzeni vyvraci.
Zkus mrknout do ovladacich panelu, nastroje pro spravu, sluzby a najit tam 
tu defragmentaci a vypnout ji. Ja ji tam nemam, ale taky se mi zadna 
defragmentace nespousti.


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