Posted By: pivson (Pijte pivo, je zdrave !!!) on 'CZprogram'
Title:     Re: seriovy port [modem]
Date:      Mon Dec 16 16:49:24 2002

> hm, rekneme ze to vim. Dostanu Ok nebo ERROR.
> Co muze byt jednodussiho nez
> WriteFile("ATZn");
> sleep(nevimkolik);
> while(ReadFile())
>   neco;
> ?
Dzone, RTFM:

The OVERLAPPED structure contains information used in asynchronous input and 
output (I/O). 


Handle to an event set to the signaled state when the operation has been 
completed. The calling process must set this member either to zero or a valid 
event handle before calling any overlapped functions. To create an event 
object, use the CreateEvent function. 

Cili, udelej si event, nastav si tu strukturu a WaitForSingleObject... 
Pripadne, GetOverlappedResult & sleep(nejakeky_kvantum)

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