Posted By: Lumo (* LIGHT in ESPERANTO *) on 'CZpsychology'
Title:     Re: transpersonalni psychologie
Date:      Wed Feb 19 17:31:13 1997

Cau Ilade! :)

Vidis jak je hezky konstruktivni pristup, aspon necim jsi Grofa podporil. Nuze 
asi nejsem sam, kdo z tohoto dojde k zaveru, ze S.Grof je spickou v 
psychoterapii (a take tech nestandardnich stavech vedomi)... Docela bych 
veril i tomu, ze tyto veci jsou celkem rozsireny a uznavany mezi velkou casti 
tech, kteri si dnes rikaji "psychologove-vedci".

Ale pokud tohle dame na stul, jakou hru tim rozehrajes? :-) Rozehrajes tim 
hru, na jejimz konci se muze ukazat, ze de facto vsichni psychologove, kteri 
se zabyvaji necim jinym nez psychologickou praxi, jsou sarlatani... 

Diky za to, ze jsi zde uvedl zivotopis S.Grofa. Chtel bych te ale pozadat, 
abys sem postl alespon jeden konkretni VEDECKY clanek z Grofovy publikacni 
aktivity. Kdyz rikam "vedecky", minim clanek jineho typu nez popularni, ktery 
pochopi kazdy. Myslim clanek, ktery je urcen pro Grofovy kolegy, kteri jsou 
take v blizkosti svetove spicky, a zkusime rozebrat, co ve skutecnosti v tom 
clanku je, jestli na to budeme mit. Jestlize by zadna takova propast mezi 
laickymi popularnimi texty a vedeckymi neexistovala, znamenalo by to take, ze 
kazdy laik muze smysluplne povidat do libovolnych teorii a praxe. 

>  Na CZ psychology probihala bourliva debata (mezi Lumem a mnou ;) o 

Zatim na CZphilosophy... ;-) Co mne jinak chodi hlavou, kdyz ctu tyto radky?
>STANISLAV GROF, M.D., is a psychiatrist with almost forty years of experience 
** Uz je dost starej.

> of research in psychotherapy and non-ordinary states of consciousness. His
** A, pampeliska v mozku uz se rysuje...

> professional career includes seven years as Principal Investigator at the
> Psychiatric Research Institute in Prague, Czechoslovakia, seven years as
** Hura, tomu musime fandit, je to nas krajan :-)

> Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University and Chief
> of Psychiatric Research at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center in
** Vida, jak tu mame hlavni centra pavedy vypsane :-)

> in Big Sur, California. He is one of the founders and chief theoreticians of
> transpersonal psychology and the Founding President of the International
** To slovo "transpersonalni psychologie" je nejak caste, to bude jiste 
   uzasna vedecka disciplina ;-p

> 1. Realms of the Human Unconscious: Observations from LSD Research. Viking
>    Press, New York, 1975. Paperback: E. P. Dutton, New York, 1976. 
** A, uz zaciname lidi zfetovavat

> 2. The Human Encounter with Death. E. P. Dutton, New York, 1977 (with Joan
>    Halifax). 
** Neco na zpusob Moodyho? 

> 3. LSD Psychotherapy. Hunter House, Pomona, California, 1980. 
** Fetovanim ke zdravi :-) Zvlaste k psychickemu zdravi...

> 4. Beyond Death: Gates of Consciousness. Thames & Hudson, London, 1980 (with
>    Christina Grof). 
** S vedomim Billa Gatese na ceste za smrti :-))

> 5. Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science. State University New York (SUNY)
> Press, 1984 (ed.). 
** Jestlipak moderni vedou mini moderni vedu nebo transpersonalni psychologii?

> 6. Beyond the Brain: Birth, Death, and Transcendence in Psychotherapy. State
>    University New York (SUNY) Press, New York, 1985. 
** Pred mozkem, za mozkem, nikdo nesmi stat, nebo nebudu hrat, uz jdu!

> 7. The Adventure of Self-Discovery. State University New York (SUNY) Press,
>    1987. 
** Jeste lepsi by bylo iladovske Self-Invention nebo Self-Creating :-)

> 8. Human Survival and Consciousness Evolution. State University New York 
>    (SUNY) Press, 1988 (ed.). 
** Podle Darwina se z pampelisky vyvinuli lide :) a podle nas si na to muzete
   navic vzpomenout ;-)

> 9. Spiritual Emergency: When Personal Transformation Becomes a Crisis. J. P.
>    Tarcher, Los Angeles, 1989, (ed. with Christina Grof). 
** Kdyz nam pri transformaci na pampelisku vypadaji vsechna seminka...

> 10. The Stormy Search for the Self: A Guide to Personal Growth Through
>    Transformational Crises. J. P. Tarcher, Los Angeles, 1991 (with Christina
>    Grof). 
** K czertu, kde to jsem? Nejak se nemohu najit, zkusim manual, str.1991

> 11. The Holotropic Mind: The Three Levels of Conscious-ness and How They
> Shape  Our Lives. Harper Collins (1992), (with Hal Zina Bennett). 
** alpha, beta, gamma... zluta kulata pampeliska, Rubikova kostka a dite

> 12. Books of the Dead: Manuals for Living and Dying. Thames and Hudson,
> 1994. 
** Knihy smrti, docela dobre shrnuti. Chcete umrit? Viz manual, strana 38.

> Translations of the above books into German, French, Italian, Spanish,
> Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Russian, Czech, and Japanese. 
** Na eroticky casopis Cats zatim nema... :-) Ale dobrej, rozhodne aspon
   trikrat vice jazyku, nez do kterych prelozili Einsteinovy ved. prace :)

> Over 100 articles in professional journals and books. 
** Profesionalni podvodnici, zadna becka. :-)

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