Posted By: lubosek (I. P. Freely !) on 'CZscience'
Title:     Re: Modra obloha
Date:      Wed Oct 29 17:15:13 1997

> Proc je obloha modra ?
Viz muj post cislo 667 na tomto boardu

<** Pozn. room aida: je to prvni prispevek v rade nazvany 
    Re: Slunce a jeho barva, vrele doporucuji precist, je to poucne... **>

 Happy (This is a lie!) Lubosek
"Smithers, I don't want that unpredictable lunatic working in my casino."
"Fine, we'll transfer him to the nuclear plant, sir."
Monty Burns and Waylon Smithers in "$pringfield"

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