Posted By: Neuromancer (maniodepresivni myska) on 'CZhumor' Title: Smrtka Date: Thu Mar 18 12:26:49 1999 Sedi takhle Neuro u pocitace, kdyz naraz zaklepe nekdo na dvere, a hele, ona je to 13 strankova maniodepresivni smrtka. "Ty me jdes konecne vysvobodit?", nadsene se zvedne Neuro. "Ne, ja si jdu pro tvou diplomku". A Neuro se jen smeje. Protoze kde nic neni...... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- We're not alone, there's someone else, too, | Neuromancer | from the mirror's other side ----------------------------/ reflecting the cruel part of your soul it's time for your choice.... Blind Guardian