Posted By: Adam (Adam) on 'CZwww'
Title:     Re: Bug v Mozille?
Date:      Wed May 19 13:09:13 2004

> nevim nevim, ve specs se o text-align pise:
> This property describes how inline content of a block is aligned.

Citace z:

The following CSS rule centers the text horizontally in the header cells and 
presents the text in the header cells with a bold font weight 

th { text-align: center; font-weight: bold }
Takze predpokladam, kdyz se to da pouzit na th, jde to minimalne i na td

> td.stred { text-align: center; }
> td.stred table { width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; }

Jo, nakonec jsem to vyresil, ze jsem u stylu tabulky dal margin: auto.


> :: micval at temnet dot org

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