Posted By: OldCzech     (                         ) on board 'CZyummies'
Title:     Sate dinner for pres.Havel
Date:      Thu Sep 17 16:15:29 1998
WWW-Info:  posted from

SALVETE, OMNES. Zajimave a "podzimni" jidlo servirovane od chefa Waltera
Scheiba (myslim, ze on je videnak):
"Theme: green and gold; less herbs, more spices, bigger flavors;
pheasant consomme;  main dish: roasted full-bodied salmon with carrot and corn
risotto, greens with baked artichokes and goat chese, caramel rum-raisin ice
cream with poached pears"
Kdo by mel chut to imitovat? Tedy ja se o to pokusim, i kdyz "roasted
full-bodied salmon" neni muj "cap o'tea"

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