Posted By: Sheri (May 5, my birthday...) on 'English'
Title:     When asked...
Date:      Thu May 13 14:17:25 1999

thoughts of places reserved for parties while we are there..

> Will all the people taking part in these parties Liane users ?

  I'm hoping they are all coming inviting their ladies, boyfriends, and their 
  dogs.. ;-)   I want these parties to be grand ones..  Bring your dog 
  bisquits.   Sheri plays.

> How many native Englis speakers will come ?

  Native?  None but Sarah and I will be there.. that's a close second.. ;-) 
  My native language is slang. ;-)

many are worried they will not be able to have fun or talk because of the 
english problems.. I will have others with me and around me that do good in 
english.  This promises to be such a great time.

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