Posted By: Blue (HaveLostMyDirtyShoes:-() on 'Poetry'
Title:     ToMyDirtyShoesI
Date:      Fri Apr 21 12:46:52 1995

To My Dirty Shoes I
My dirty shoes are lying on the concrete
The sky is shading tears
And so is my soul
'Cause they've appeared again
The white and the black

The white man
As beautiful as morning
His eyes - two blue roads to hell
The Mother Nature made his body
By the hands of Polykleitos
And she tinged with blue 
His wild black hair as well.

The black man
As beautiful as evening
His eyes - dark roads to heaven
El Greco was using him as a model
When he was painting his Jesus
Gold hair like a boy 
Of the age of seven.

And each of them want me to go in his footsteps
And each of them offers a different way.
Which one should I choose
Which way should I go
To find the reason of living one day?

Please, help me with correcting mistakes in this poem...

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